Winter Gathering
Save the date for this year’s Winter Gathering at the Short Moments Center in Sweden!

From December 29 until January 7, there will be 10 days of training offered, both Power of Benefit training and Twelve Empowerments!
The Training is flexible, onsite and online, come for as many days you would like and you can also join from your home! Celebrate the New Year together We also have our lovely New Year's Eve celebration ~ Enjoy dinner together with the best of friends, followed with a concert and, dance party.
* Apply for one or more days
If you have any questions about the training please email and we are so happy to assist.

Wintery Weekend 17-18 December
Join our Winter Concert and 1- Day Power of Benefit Training!
Welcome to the winter weekend with a Christmas concert and One-Day Power of Benefit Training at the Center!
On Saturday we invite you along with friends and family to an atmospheric Christmas and winter concert filled with magic and fantastic musicians!
We will also be selling homemade saffron buns, gingerbreads and bread to take home.
For those who want to stay, you will be staying in the cozy guesthouse and on Sunday, December 18, we will offer a One-Day Power of Benefit Training from 10am - 5 pm with a break for reflection, value letter and lunch. Apply here.
Set up Gathering 3-4 December
Join us in the preparations for the Winter Gathering
We would like to invite you for the Setup Gathering on December 3-4. We will join the Evocation with Beloved Rinpoche on camera on Friday, and then come together to prepare the Center on Saturday and Sunday. We'll also enjoy delicious meals and enjoy a movie night on Saturday.
We look forward to welcoming you very soon!
You are welcome to register here.

Twelve Empowerments
We are excited to offer the Twelve Empowerments in person at the Center in Sweden. This is a rare opportunity for those who would like to go through this powerful training, establishing the practice of short moments in everyday life.
Please find information about the Twelve Empowerments here.
The first ten days will be in person at the Center and the rest of the Empowerment will be online via Zoom.
December 29-January 7: Empowerments One-Nine face to face (having Sunday, January 1, off - like the rest of the POB group).
Sundays, 4-6:30 pm CET, Jan 15, 22 & 29: Empowerments Ten-Twelve online (subject to change according to the group's availability)
You can be in touch with us for any questions at:
If you have specific questions about this Training you can also book at 1-1 call.
15 Year Anniversary
It is now 15 years ago since we purchased the center and we had our first Gathering. It is so wonderful to think of all these years of training up Open Intelligence and serving together. Thank you Beloved Rinpoche for making this come about and for this precious home that we hold so dear in our lives.
See our full events schedule and more here:
With love, The Sweden Center Team